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Approximately 1092 hours, which is forty-five and a half days if you don't sleep. Good luck!

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Q: How long would it take to walk the appalachian trail at 2 miles a hour?
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Errr, that would be 70!

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A car traveling at 10 miles per hour would travel 10 miles in one hour.

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1 hour. You can go 80 miles in an hour. Hence Miles Per Hour or MPH.... If you were traveling at 45 Miles Per Hour, that means In 1 Hour you cover 45 Miles

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No, you would use more.

If you drive a hundred miles per hour how many miles would you haved traveled in an hour?

Exactly 100 miles

How long would it take to go 80 miles?

At 80 miles per hour, one hour. At sixty miles per hour, 80 minutes.