For the first digit, you have 9 options (1-9; the 3-digit number would not start with 0). For the second digit, you also have nine options (any digit from 0-9, except the digit used for the first digit). For this third digit, you have only eight options, since two digits are "forbidden", regardless of what digits you used first. That gives a total of 9 x 9 x 8 combinations.
With 6 binary digits, you have 26 different possibilities. This is because there are two possibilities for each digit, and each digit is independent of the other digits - so you just multiply the possibilities for each digit together.
For there to be palindromes, each digit must be replicated. Therefore there are at most three distinct digits.If there are 3 pairs of different digits, then there are 6 palindromes. If there can be more duplicate digits, then there are 27 palindromes.
There are 9 digits that can be the first digit (1-9); for each of these there is 1 digit that can be the second digit (6); for each of these there are 10 digits that can be the third digit (0-9); for each of these there are 10 digits that can be the fourth digit (0-9). → number of numbers is 9 × 1 × 10 × 10 = 900 such numbers.
You gave me 5 digits. -- The first digit can be any one of the 5 digits. For each one, -- The second digit can be any one of the remaining 4 digits. For each one, -- The third digit can be any one of the remaining 3 digits. For each one, -- The fourth digit can be any one of the remaining 2 digits. For each one, -- The fifth digit can only be the remaining 1 digit. So there are (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 120 possible different arrangements.
what is the greets possible 9 digit number that uses each of the digits 1-3 times
With 6 binary digits, you have 26 different possibilities. This is because there are two possibilities for each digit, and each digit is independent of the other digits - so you just multiply the possibilities for each digit together.
For there to be palindromes, each digit must be replicated. Therefore there are at most three distinct digits.If there are 3 pairs of different digits, then there are 6 palindromes. If there can be more duplicate digits, then there are 27 palindromes.
120 There are 6 digits in total. The numbers with 3 digits, with all digits distinct from each other, are the permutations of the 6 digits taken 3 at a time, and therefore there are 6*5*4 = 120 of them.
There are 9 digits that can be the first digit (1-9); for each of these there is 1 digit that can be the second digit (6); for each of these there are 10 digits that can be the third digit (0-9); for each of these there are 10 digits that can be the fourth digit (0-9). → number of numbers is 9 × 1 × 10 × 10 = 900 such numbers.
The final digit must be a 2 to form an even number. The first digit may be any of three remaining digits (1, 3, 5) while the second digit may be any of the two remaining digits. All together, that makes 3*2 = 6 distinct even numbers.
Assuming that 2356 is a different number to 2365, then: 1st digit can be one of four digits (2356) For each of these 4 first digits, there are 3 of those digits, plus the zero, meaning 4 possible digits for the 2nd digit For each of those first two digits, there is a choice of 3 digits for the 3rd digit For each of those first 3 digits, there is a choice of 2 digits for the 4tj digit. Thus there are 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 = 96 different possible 4 digit numbers that do not stat with 0 FM the digits 02356.
You gave me 5 digits. -- The first digit can be any one of the 5 digits. For each one, -- The second digit can be any one of the remaining 4 digits. For each one, -- The third digit can be any one of the remaining 3 digits. For each one, -- The fourth digit can be any one of the remaining 2 digits. For each one, -- The fifth digit can only be the remaining 1 digit. So there are (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 120 possible different arrangements.
By the sum of its digits: 10. By each of its individual digits: 11.
what is the greets possible 9 digit number that uses each of the digits 1-3 times
List the odd four-digit numerals,each containing the digits ,4,5 and 6.
There are 7,290 different 4-digit numbers that can be formed from the digits 1-9 without repetition.
There are 5 digits in the number 67392. Each digit represents a place value in the number, with the leftmost digit being the ten-thousands place and the rightmost digit being the ones place. In this case, the digits are 6, 7, 3, 9, and 2.