For there to be palindromes, each digit must be replicated. Therefore there are at most three distinct digits.
If there are 3 pairs of different digits, then there are 6 palindromes. If there can be more duplicate digits, then there are 27 palindromes.
Some 6 letter palindromes you may like:RedderHannah
6 if all digits are different, 27 otherwise.
6 digits
There are 900 6-digit palindromes.
6 digits
There are 6 different ways to arrange the three digits (3 factorial), but the number cannot start with 0, so we must subtract the 2 arrangements that start with 0. Therefore, there are 4 different whole numbers that can be made with the digits 2, 5, and 8: 258, 285, 528, and 582.
6 of them. 4C2 = 4!/(2!*2!) = 4*3/(2*1) = 6
Some 6 letter palindromes you may like:RedderHannah
64 or 123
6 if all digits are different, 27 otherwise.
6 digits
It has 6 significant digits.