654321-100000= 554321 combinations
There is only 1 combination.
There are 5,461,512 such combinations.
To calculate the number of 12-number combinations using numbers 1-36, we can use the formula for combinations: nCr = n! / r!(n-r)!, where n is the total number of items to choose from (36) and r is the number of items to choose (12). Plugging in the values, we get 36C12 = 36! / 12!(36-12)! = 36! / 12!24! = (363534*...25) / (121110...*1). This simplifies to 125,736,770 unique combinations.
654321-100000= 554321 combinations
There is only 1 combination.
There are 6C3 = 20 such combinations.
There are 5,461,512 such combinations.
There are 252 combinations.
factorial six tat is 6*5*4*3*2*1=720 combinations
Using the formula n!/r!(n-r)! where n is the number of possible numbers and r is the number of numbers chosen, there are 13983816 combinations of six numbers between 1 and 49 inclusive.
Using the combination fuction, chose three numbers from 45 numbers. The answer is 14,190.
10,000 * * * * * WRONG! That is the number of permutations, NOT the number of combinations. The number of combinations denoted by nCr = n!/[r!*(n-r)!] = 10!/[4!*6!] = 10*9*8*7/(4*3*2*1) = 210