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Q: How many BTU are needed to reduce 50 gal of water 20 Deg F?
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How many btu's are needed to raise the temperature of a 30000 gal pool from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit?

A US gallon of water is about 8.4 lb, so 30,000 galls is 252,000 lb. One BTU is the heat to raise one pound of water by one degF, so BTU's in your example are 252,000 x 15 = 3,780,000 BTU.

How many btu stored in 1 gal of 120 degree water?

one BTU is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. Here is a start ; now find out how much a pound of water weighs then work through it.

How many btu's of heat energy are needed to raise the temperature of 12 gallons of water from 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 130 degrees Fahrenheit?

answer: 7680 btu 1 gallon= 8 lb 130F-50F=80F 12G*8LB*80F=7680 BTU

How many Btu are required to change 600 pounds of water at 75 degrees F to steam at 212 degrees F?

1 BTU is required to raise 1lb of water 1 degree F in 1 hour. 212-75=137 degrees 600 lbs water x 137 degrees= 82,200 BTU's required to change 75 degree water to 212 degree water. To change 212 degree water to 212 degree steam it requires 970 btu's (latent heat of vaporization) per lb of water 970 btu x 600 lbs water = 582,000 btu Answer - 582,000 btu+ 82,200 btu = 664,200 btu's

How many BTU are required to lower the temperature of one gallon of water one degree?

No BTU are required in order to lowerthe temperature of water. All you have to dois place the water in an environment that is cooler than the water is, then stand backand watch the temperatue of the water drop while the BTU flow out of it.

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How many btu are needed to raise 15lb of water from 100 to 120 degrees F?


How many air conditioners btu are needed for a living room?

About 8,000 BTU

How many btu is neede to raise 20 pounds of water from 65 to 212 degrees?

212-65=147. 147(20)=2940 btu needed is this right?

How many watts in 5200 btu?

0.29308323563892147 watts per btu there for 5200 btu = 1524.0328253223915 watts 1 watt=3.412Btu/hr 1 Btu=the amount of energy needed to heat 1 Lb of water 1 degree. A gallon of water weighs aprox. 8 Lbs.

How many btus to reduce water temperature one degree?

One BTU (British Thermal Unit) is required to reduce one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit. The amount of BTUs needed to reduce the temperature of a specific amount of water by one degree will depend on the weight of the water being heated.

Formula for btu load calulation?

1 BTU needed to raise or lower 1degree F of 1 lb water

How many btus are needed to heat one lb of water one hundred degrees?

100 BTU if it's Fahrenheit

How many btu 's is needed to be removed or added to chill 1000 lbs of water from 75 degrees to 40 degrees?

not sure

How many btu's are needed to raise the temperature of a 30000 gal pool from 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit?

A US gallon of water is about 8.4 lb, so 30,000 galls is 252,000 lb. One BTU is the heat to raise one pound of water by one degF, so BTU's in your example are 252,000 x 15 = 3,780,000 BTU.

How many BTU's are needed to heat 280000gal of water?

You do not mention how much you want to heat the water and in what period of time. But here are the figures: 1 btu = temperature increase of 1* F of 1 pound of water. One gallon of water weighs 8.33 lbs. So a boiler with an output rating of 2,332,400 btu will raise the temperature 1*F in 1 hour. (280,000x 8.33). Boiler outputs are rated in btu per hour . how many btu does it take to heat 15lb of water from 100 degrees F to 129 degrees F?

How many BTU needed for a room with 240 square foot?

usually 20 btu's per square foot so......12000 btu's should do fine

How many btu stored in 1 gal of 120 degree water?

one BTU is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. Here is a start ; now find out how much a pound of water weighs then work through it.