There are infinitely many regular pentagons - a different one for each value for the length of its side.
Yes providing that they are regular 5 sided pentagons otherwise no if they are irregular pentagons
Pentagons can be regular or irregular.
Regular pentagons.
Regular pentagons do not tessellate.
regular pentagons have no parrallel lines. irregular pentagons might but it depends. :))
Not if they are regular 5 sided pentagons
Yes providing that they are regular 5 sided pentagons otherwise no if they are irregular pentagons
Not sure about a bodecahedron, but a dodecahedron has 12.
Pentagons can be regular or irregular.
Regular pentagons.
No. But if you restrict yourself to regular pentagons, then all regular pentagons are similar.
Soccer balls have different patterns, but if you have both regular pentagons and regular hexagons it must have 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.