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Q: How many axes of data are considered in a full DSM-based diagnosis?
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How many axes of data are considered in a full DSM based diagnosis?


How do you get data labels on Excel charts from the center of data back to y axis?

I was confusing Axis Titles with Axes. The solution is to turn off Data Labels and turn on Vertical Axes.

What 3 things do all graphs and data tables have to have in addition to data?

A title, labeled axes (for graphs), markings on the axes (again, for graphs) and units of measurement. You could use any of the above, based on your context

What is plotted data in science?

Plotted data is graphed, using the Cartesian coordinate system of two axes, x and y.

When looking at data points on a given set of axes which variable is dependent?

The y-Variable

What area bound by the axes of a chart including all data series?

The plot area.

What are the 5 major componets all graphs should have?

Title Axes Data Labels Series Names

What are the parts that a graph needs?

The minimum requirement are data and a key (or legend). No axes are required if the graph is a pictogram.

Is a calculator considered a data processor?

Yes, a calculator is considered a data processor. Anything that can use or hold data is considered to be a data processor. So yes, a calculator is a data processor.

How is community diagnosis done?

go to the community asses and evaluate collect data then analayse inititstion

How do you put together data in a science experiment?

Data should be presented in numbered and labelled tables and graphs. Make sure you include units in the column headings of the tables and on the axes of the graph.

Is data considered matter?

Data is not matter.