The answer is 1.
Here is the theorem:
There is a unique circle passing through points P1 , P2 , P3 if and only if these three points are non-collinear.
The proof is not too hard, but involves some linear algebra. I will post a link to it.
just one
If you are talking about straight lines, the answer is NONE, because that is what noncollinear means. If curves are allowed, then the answer is infinitely many.
Yes a plane can always be drawn three any three points, whether they are linear or not.
A plane
just one
If you are talking about straight lines, the answer is NONE, because that is what noncollinear means. If curves are allowed, then the answer is infinitely many.
Yes a plane can always be drawn three any three points, whether they are linear or not.
Only one plane can pass through 3 non-collinear points.
A plane
The shape identified by three noncollinear points.
No, A plane can be drawn through any 3 points. If the 3 points are collinear then they make a line and a plane can contain a line. If the points are noncollinear then they can be used to form the corners of a triangle; all points of a triangle are in the same plane.
1 line cause every plane contains atleast 3 or more noncollinear points