7,893,600 (seven million, 8 hundred ninety-three thousand, 600) combinations in English.
The first digit can be one of five integers (1 to 5) The second - fourth digits one of six integers (0 to 5). So: number of (valid) combinations is 5*6*6*6=1080 * * * * * This gives the number of permutations, not combinations. I am working on the latter.
256 iThink * * * * * It depends on combinations of how many. There is 1 combination of 4 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 3 letters out of 4, 6 combinations of 2 letters out of 4, 4 combinations of 1 letter out of 4. Than makes 15 (= 24-1) in all. Well below the 256 suggested by the previous answer.
Well honey, if you're looking to whip up some four-letter combos from the alphabet soup of a, b, c, d, and e, you've got yourself a total of 5 options for the first letter, 4 for the second, 3 for the third, and 2 for the fourth. Multiply those together and you've got yourself 120 unique combinations. So go ahead and spell out some words, just don't come crying to me if they end up being gibberish!
As there are 26 letters in the alphabet. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying 26x26x26, giving you the answer 17576.
3,124,550 possible combinations
There are about 57 words that are combinations of the letters A through G There are about 57 words that are combinations of the letters A through G