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combining the 26 letters with the 10 digits you have 36 possible characters to choose from to go into 16 slots. Grab the nearest scientific calculator, or use Google or whatever you like, and use the permutation function nPr, inputting 36P16 you get 1.529x1023 different possible combinations to 4 significant figures.

Alternatively if you don't have the use of the nPr function you can use the formula n!/(n-r)! where n is the characters available and r is the amount of slots they have to go in.

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Q: How many combinations can you make with numbers 0-9 and using all the letters of the alphabet to make a 16 digit code. For example the code on the back of iTunes gift cards... Thanks?
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720 is the number of ways to combine three known letters and three known numbers.For example, the letters A, B & C and the numbers 1, 2 & 3. The total combinations of these 6 characters is:(6 options)*(5 options)*(4)*(3)*(2)*(1) = 720.However, if the three numbers and three letters are unknown and any number or letter is possible, and repeated numbers or letters are acceptable (such as with a license plate), then the total possibilities for each "space" are multiplied together:(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(26 possibilities)*(10 possibilities)*(10 " ")*(10 " ") = 17,576,000 combinations.That is, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and 10 numbers (0 thru 9).This is assuming that three of the six spaces spaces are reserved for letters and three spaces are reservedfor numbers.If the combination can be any three letters and any three numbers where different combinations are made by changing whether each space contains a number or a letter, then the answer becomes a product and sum of different choose functions and is much more complicated...