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Q: How many different seven character license plates are there if the first four character are letters and the last three are numbers?
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How many different ways can a license plate be made containing two letters and three digits with repetition of the numbers and letters not allowed?

There are 676,000 ways to make the license plates.

If automobile license plates consist of two letters followed by four digits how many different license plates ae possible if letters and numbers can be repeated?

There are 26 possible letters and 10 possible numbers. The number of license plates possible is then 26*26*10*10*10*10 = 6760000.

How many numbers or letters can a license plate have?


If a license plate consists of two letters followed by four digits how many different plates are possible?

If all letters and numbers are allowed, the possibilities are 26x26x10x10x10x10. So: 6760000 different plates.

How many different license plates exist if each license plate contains 3 letters and 4 numbers and all four numbers are even?

384,475,000 license plates. There are 35 different letter/number combinations possible. Each combination has 10,985,000 variants. 35*10,985,000 = 384,475,000

What is a datatype with numbers and letters?

Different names can be used, but it is alphanumeric. Some allowed field with a datatype called text or character to allow numbers and text to be entered into them.

How many numbers letters in limo license?

one letter the rest numbers,its a commercial plate

How many possible license plate numbers can be made from 1 numerical digit followed by 3 letters followed by 3 numerical digits?

each of the four numbers have 10 possibilities, and each of the three letters have 26 possibilities. so the total possible ways u can arrange them are 10x10x10x10x26x26x26 this totals up to 175,760,000 different license plate numbers

How many license plate combinations from 3 digits followed by 3 letters?

There are 26 different letters that can be chosen for each letter. There are 10 different numbers that can be chosen for each number. Since each of the numbers/digits that can be chosen for each of the six "spots" are independent events, we can multiply these combinations using the multiplicative rule of probability.combinations = (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different digits) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) * (# of different letters) = 10 * 10 * 10 * 26 * 26 * 26 = 103 * 263 = 1000 * 17576 = 17,576,000 different combinations.

What type of data allows letters and numbers?


What is the sort order for alphanumeric fields that contain both numbers and letters?

It depends on the collating order of the character set being used by the computer:ASCII places the numbers before the lettersEBCDIC places the numbers after the lettersFIELDATA places the numbers after the lettersetc.Some early computers had a different collating order than the numeric order of the character codes in the character set, but for modern computers the collating order is usually identical to the numeric order of the character codes.

Why is it easier to remember numbers over letters?

Because there are only 10 numbers you have to remember. 0123456789. Memorizing a 10 character line of numbers is a whole lot easier than memorizing a 10 character line of letters.