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Q: How many cube roots does 1 have?
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How Many real cube roots dose 1 have?


How many real cube roots does any positive number have?

there is no cube roots in negative

Do negative numbers have cube roots cube roots?


What is the Real cube roots of 0.125?

3√0.125 = 0.5 (there is only 1 real cube root of 0.125).

What is the significance of cube and cube roots?

you are my friend

How many real cube roots does negative 1 have?

Any real number - positive or negative - has exactly one real cube root. Any real number (except zero) has three cubic roots in the complex numbers; but only one of them is real.

Who created square roots and cube roots?

The ancients - Egyptians or Greeks. They probably came across the square root of 2 when considering the diagonal of a square with sides of length 1. The cube root of 3 would have arisen, similarly, with the principal diagonal of a unit cube.

What is the real cube roots of 0.064?

The cube root of 0.064 is 0.4

How do you find cube roots in maths?

Some calculators have a cube root function

How are positive square roots different?

The answer depends on "different from WHAT?" Positive cube roots, or negative square roots?

Why would I need to use square roots and cube roots?

For school you will need to learn how to find square and cube roots in order to have the needed prerequisites to answer progressively harder and more complex problems.

What is the definition of a cube root?

The cube root for a real number is the value that when multiplied by itself three times produces that number. So that the cube root of B is A where A x A x A = B.Examplesthe cube root of 8 is 2... (2x2x2=8)the cube root of 27 is 3...(3x3x3=27)The special cases are 0 and 1, which are by definition their own roots (square roots, cube roots, etc.) because all powers of 0 and 1 are still the same value, zero or 1.Perfect cubes are numbers that can be cube-rooted into an integer.These include the numbers 0, 1, 8, 27, and so forth.Negative numbers can also be perfect cubes.-1x-1x-1=-1-2x-2x-2=-8-3x-3x-3=-27For non-perfect cubes, the root includes a repeating decimal requiring rounding.