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Q: How many degrees must it drop to snow?
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How many snow can a snowstorm drop?

The amount of snow a snowstorm can drop can vary greatly depending on its intensity and duration. Snowstorms can drop anywhere from a few inches to over a foot of snow in a short period of time.

Can it ever snow at 60 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, it cannot snow at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Snow forms when the air temperature is at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. At 60 degrees Fahrenheit, any precipitation would fall as rain rather than snow.

How cold must it be before rain becomes snow?

29 degrees

Does it ever snow in Costa Rica?

No, Costa Rica is in the tropics. Temperatures rarely drop below 70 degrees.

How low does the temperature have to be snow?

Snow is made from Ice crystals. Thus for snow to form and precipitate, the ambient / air temperature must be below 0 degrees Centigrade.

Is it true that the temperature must be thirty two degrees or colder in order for it to snow?

Not necessarily. Snow can occur at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius) if the right atmospheric conditions are present. However, snow is more likely to accumulate when temperatures are at or below freezing.

How many degrees celsius does it have to be to snow?

Around 0 oC.

How many degrees should it be to snow?

Snow can fall at various temperatures, but generally, it needs to be below 32°F (0°C) for snow to form and accumulate on the ground. However, other factors like humidity and atmospheric conditions can also influence snowfall.

How low does the temperature have to be for snow?

Snow forms when the temperature is at or below freezing (0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit). However, other factors like humidity, moisture content, and atmospheric conditions also play a role in determining whether it will snow.

Can it snow at 1 degrees Celsius?

yes, in fact it has to be above zero degrees to snow on the ground.

How many degrees Celsius would a snowball be?

About -2 -0 as the snow will not melt and not be to hard to throw at people

Which contains more 1 drop of snow or rain?

That depends. If you describe '1 drop' of snow as a snowflake, than definitely one raindrop.