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Q: How many different 5-card hands can be dealt from a standard deck of 52 cards?
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What is the probability that 3 will be hearts if 5 cards are dealt from a standard deck of 52 playing cards?

It is 0.0039 approx.

How many possible hands can be dealt from a standard deck of cards in Texas hold em?


How many cards are used to play a regulation game of contract bridge?

Bridge uses a standard deck of 52 cards -- four suits (clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades) of 13 cards each. The four players are each dealt 13 cards.

What is the probability of being dealt a club out of a standard deck of cards?

There are 13 clubs in a standard deck of 52 cards. The probability, then, of drawing club is 13 in 52, or 1 in 4, or 0.25.

What is the probability of not being dealt a queen from a deck of 52 cards?

The answer depends on how many cards are dealt out to you - which depends on how many cards you are dealt.

When was These Cards We're Dealt created?

These Cards We're Dealt was created in 2004.

What is the probability of being dealt 4 aces from a standard 52 card deck?

The probability, if the cards are dealt often enough, is 1.On a single deal, the prob is 3.69379*10^-6

What are the minimum number of cards to be dealt from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit?

The minimum number of cards that must be dealt, from an arbitrarily shuffled deck of 52 cards, to guarantee that three cards are from some same suit is 9.The basis for 9 is that the first four cards could be from four different suits, the next four cards could be from four different suits, and the ninth card is guaranteed to match the suit of two of the previously dealt cards. The minimum number, without the guarantee, is 3, but the probability of that is only 0.052, or about 1 in 20.

What is the probability of being dealt 4 consecutive face cards from a standard deck of cards?

The probability that the first four cards are face cards is (16/52)*(15/51)*(14/50)*(13/49) = 43680/6497400 = approx 0.0067

What is the probability of being dealt the two of spades?

The answer depends on how many cards you are dealt!

What is the odds of getting dealt a pocket pair in Texas Hold'em?

It is 1 in 17. Here's why: There are 52 cards in a deck, 13 different value cards (A, 2, 3, etc.), and two cards are dealt. We're finding the odds of getting any pocket pair, not just one. This means that the first card dealt can be any value. The second card has to repeat the value of the first card. For example, the first card dealt is a 10, and now the second card has to be a 10. After the first 10 is dealt, there are 51 cards left in the deck, and 3 different 10's. Therefore, 3 over 51 simplifies to 1 over 17.