There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.
It is 127 = 2^7 - 1
If the 8 bits represent a signed number, the range is usually -128 to +127. This is -27 to 27-1.
110 = 00012 110 - This is the number one writen in the decimal system 00012 - This is the number 1 using the binary system. Here, 4 bits are being represented. 00012 = 012
31 - it's binary equivalent is 11111
8 bits = 64 character
There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.
To find out how many different values can represented by a certain number of bits, we can use the following formula 2n-1 and that is because the first number is always a zero.Based on that 6 bits = 26- 1= 64-1=637 bits= 27-1= 1278 bits= 28-1=25510 bits= 210-1=1023# of bits1=12=33=74=155=316=637=1278=2559=51110=1023
maximum number of different colours is 2 power 32
A total of 65,536 items can be represented with 16 bits. A total of 64 items can be represented with 6 bits and 1024 items with 64 bits.
The smallest number is zero. The largest number is 63.
the highest number you can count up to using 10 bits is 1029 using binary