There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.
64 different whole numbers can be written with 6 bits.
A decimal is not a measurement unit, it is a way in which numbers - pure numbers - are represented.
The maximum value represented in a 32-bit unsigned word is 232-1 = 4,294,967,295, so you can represent all numbers with 9 decimal places and some numbers with 10 decimal places in 32-bits. log(232-1) = 9.632959861 is the true answer.
89,999 different numbers i guess
There are 16 decimal numbers that can be represented by 4-bits.
Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.
256 in total - including zero.
n2 -1
24 = 16
4, which is equal to 2 to the power 2.In general, with "n" bits, you can have "2 to the power n" different states (or represent that many different numbers).
To find out how many different values can represented by a certain number of bits, we can use the following formula 2n-1 and that is because the first number is always a zero.Based on that 6 bits = 26- 1= 64-1=637 bits= 27-1= 1278 bits= 28-1=25510 bits= 210-1=1023# of bits1=12=33=74=155=316=637=1278=2559=51110=1023
8 bits = 64 character
6 bits
Eight. Each bit is 2 possibilities, and 2^3 (2x2x2) is 8. The numbers would range from 0 to 7.