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Q: How many different numbers can you make with 3 3 3 3 and 7 7?
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How many three digit numbers can you make with 3 numbers?

6, as long as they are all different

How many different times can you make 150 using 3 square numbers?

If the only operation is addition, then 3.

How many 3-digit numbers can you make from the digits 1.2 and 3?

6 if all digits are different, 27 otherwise.

How many 3 digit numbers can you make using 1 2 3 4?

106------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Rafaelrz.You can make, 4P3 = 4!/(4-3)! = 24, different 3 digit numbers using 1, 2, 3 and 4.

How many different 5 digit numbers can you make with the numbers 2 3 4 5 6?

about... 25 just take 5 numbers times 5 numbers

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There are two different numbers. 3 and 7

How many different five digit numbers can you make using 1 2 3 4 5?


How many different numbers can you make with the digits 1 2 3 and 4 using each digit only once?

If you want 4-digit numbers, there are 24 of them.

How many different five digit numbers can you make using 1 2 3 4 6?

55----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------From Rafaelrz.You can make, 5! = 120, five digit numbers using 1,2,3,4 and 6.

How many 3 number combinations can you make with 1 2 3 4 5 6?

There are 6!/3! = 120 different 3-digit numbers that can be made from these 6 digits.

How many different numbers can you make out of 5 7 4 2?

By ordering the digits, you can make 4*3*2*1 = 24 different numbers. By using mathematical operations that are already defined (addition, power, trigonometric functions etc), you can make many more - at least millions. If you then include functions that you define, the answer is infinitely many.