The even numbers up to 100 are: 2 468101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100.
There is only one even prime number and it is 2
1, which is 2 b/c all of the other even numbers are divisible by 2, therefore making it composite.
In Java:System.out.println("Even numbers")for (int i = 2; i
The only even prime number (not only from 1 to 100, but in general) is 2. All other even numbers are multiples of 2, and therefore, by definition, not prime numbers.
The first 100 even numbers are: 2 468101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100102104106108110112114116118120122124126128130132134136138140142144146148150152154156158160162164166168170172174176178180182184186188190192194196198200.
The even numbers up to 100 are: 2 468101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100.
There is only one even prime number and it is 2
1, which is 2 b/c all of the other even numbers are divisible by 2, therefore making it composite.
An even number is divisible by 2. Odd numbers are not divisible by 2. Therefore, 100 is an even number.
The sum of the first 100 even numbers is 10,100
Answer: 1, and that is 2?Answer: The only even prime number - nont only between 1 and 100, but among all the prmes - is 2. All higher even numbers are divisible by 2, and therefore not primes.