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Q: How many feet does a pebble fall in ten seconds?
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How many feet per second does a pebble fall?

1 foot.

How many feet will a rock fall in 3 seconds?

Ignoring air resistance, that would be about 145 feet.

How many feet will a dropped rock fall in 5 seconds?

whats the weight and shape of the rock it depends on that >:(

How many feet per second do you fall when skydiving?

Well the average terminal velocity ofr an average sized jumper is 120mph. I fall at 120mph and fall 10,000 feet in 45/50 seconds so I guess about 213 feet per second.

How many seconds does it take a ball to fall from 1727 feet?

About 18.7736250 seconds assuming that air friction is zero. I used a graphing calculator.. I'm not sure about what the formula for figuring this out is.

How far could an object fall if it was given 15 seconds to fall?

Because this is a free fall questions, the equation d=1/2gt² can be used. Gravity is a given, 9.8 m/s² and the time is your 15 seconds of free fall. d=1/2(9.8m/s²)(15s)²= 1,102.5m. To find feet multiply 3.28084 to answer because that is how many feet are in a meter.

You drop a penny from a height of 16 feet After how many seconds does the penny land on the ground?

1 second, since all objects fall at 16 feet per second.

How many seconds are in 13200 ft?

There are no seconds in feet. Feet is a unit of measurement while seconds is a unit of Time.

How many meters will an object fall in 1.5 seconds?

H = 1/2 G T2 = 1/2 (32.2) (1.5)2 = 36.23 feet

How many mph is 5280 feet in 22 seconds?

To convert 5280 feet to miles, divide by 5280 to get 1 mile. Then, to find the speed in miles per hour, divide 1 mile by the time taken in hours (22 seconds converted to hours is 22/3600 = 0.00611 hours). Therefore, the speed is 1 mile / 0.00611 hours = 163.35 mph.

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