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A square has four sides that are all the same length.

If one side is 33-ft then all four sides are 33-ft, and the distance

all the way around the square is (33 x 4) = 132 feet.

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Q: How many feet of fencing needed to enclose a square with 33 ft?
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What is the greatest rectangular area you can completely enclose with 100 feet of fencing?

625 square feet.. the area would be a square rectangle with 25 feet of fencing on each side.

How much fencing for 60 acres?

If the acreage is a square, you'll need 6,467 feet of fencing to enclose the area.

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Approx. 408.4 feet.

What is the greatest rectangular are you can completely enclose with 100 feet of fencing?

That would probably be a 25x25 square with an area of 625 square feet.

What is the total length in yards of fencing needed to enclose a rectangular area 1152 feet by 96 feet?

832 yards

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Length of fencing needed = 2*pi*10 = 20*pi feet

How many ft of fencing do you need to enclose a square with 33 ft sides?

4*33 = 132 feet

How many feet of fencing would it take to fence in 28 acres?

If the area is a square then a minimum of 1,104.4 feet of fencing would be needed.

How many acres can you fence with 3000 feet of fencing?

The maximum area that you can enclose with 3000 feet of fencing would be a circle of radius 477.46 feet. This circle would have an area of 716197.2 square feet which is 16.442 acres. The minimum area that you can enclose is infinitesimally small - go for a very, very long and very, very narrow area.

How many feet of wire is needed to enclose a three acre square?

A three-acre square will need 1,446 feet of wire for its perimeter.

Dave has 294 feet of fencing he uses 16 yards of fencing to enclose his garden if he needs 250 feet of fencing to enclose the rest of his property does he have enough?

1 yd=3 ft. 16 yd= 48 ft. 294 - 48 = 246. 246 < 250, so the answer is NO.

How much fencing is required to enclose a garden that is 18 feet wide and 23 feet long?

The circumference of a rectangle is 2*(length+width), so 2*(18+23) = 2*(41) = 82 Therefore, 82 feet of fencing is required to enclose the garden.