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Q: How many frames should you make for a beginning 30 second animation?
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How long does it take to make a 30 seconds animation?

30 seconds ------------------------- The first person to answer this doesn't know (obviously). It depends what type of animation (for example traditional animation, stop motion animation) and how fluent you want an animation to be. Also, you haven't defined what "how long it takes" means. A standard animation for a movie would take probably take approximately 360 frames. People also usually storyboard these animations first. I got 360 frames because 12 is the approximate standard form animating a movie. So 12 x 30 = 360. Each frame takes time to draw, let alone the characters. So it would depend on how long it takes to draw a character and how long you would spend on the background. But really, there are too many variables to actually state how long it takes for a thirty second animation to be made. -------------------------- Actually, for a stop motion animation, the standard fps setting is 24 fps for movies. A lot of hobby animators use 30 for a smoother animation, but convert it to 24 fps if it'll go onto a DVD. Only beginners should use 12 (if not even 15), but it should only be used to get used to the animations, and move up to 24 before making an actual video. Since it takes 24 frames to do one second: 24*30=720. So it'll take 720 frames for a quality video. I would only recommend making tests if you want to use 12 fps, not a video though. You can time yourself and see how long it takes you to animate each frame, but if you run on a very rough estimate about 5-10 seconds a frame: 720*5=3600, 3600/60=60; 720*10=7200, 7200/60=120. So if it takes you 5-10 seconds to shoot a frame, that'll be about one to two hours of animating. But again, you have to time yourself and judge how fast you animate. Take your time! This is an art of patience. If you think 7200 frames is bad, just think about the Nightmare Before Christmas! It's about 76 minutes long, at 24 fps, that equals out to about 109,440! To that number, 720 frames is pocket change, in a way of speaking. But just take your time, do the best you can, and don't get discouraged!

What should you do to get a good career in animation?

key in animation industry is good drawing and patience.

Why do silent films often seem to move faster than modern sound films?

Films were shot at slower speeds during the silent era. Cameras were hand-cranked so there were variations between cameramen. Until the 1920's, frames per second varied from 16 to 20. When talkies arrived, the studios set an industry standard of 24 frames per second. If you project a 16 frames per second film through a 24 frames per second projector, the visual is speeded up by 50%. It should be noted that some films, Keystone Kops for example, were intended to be projected faster to add to the comedy.

Why is minecraft on pc not going any faster than 30 frames per second It used to go up to about 60 to 70 frames per second my settings are good and my pc is very fast Can someone please help?

do you have a virus or try reinstalling or contact mojang OR I THINK YOU SHOULD TRY UPDATING because sometimes there is bug fixes and or error fixes

When drawing pictures for an animation how big should the drawings be?

they should be quite big

How do bridges keep track of whether they should forward or filter frames?

they maintain a filtering database that identifies which frames can be filtered and which should be forwarded, based on their destination MAC address.

How do bridges keep track whether they should forward of filter frames?

they maintain a filtering database that identifies which frames can be filtered and which should be forwarded, based on their destination MAC address.

How do you delete your sketch star animation?

Go to your Sketchstar profile and to the page My Animations. Under each animation there should be a delete button.

Should you Babysit if you are 12?

For short time frames, sure why not.

Why your screen-saver is not working in nokia e63?

Try going to Menu > Tools > Themes > Power Saver > Animation Options > Change > Animation File, then select the file you want. Set the other settings to how you want them. The animation should come on after 60 seconds.

What does fps mean on stick RPG?

frames per second (basically how fast to game is going) is should be from 25-35 if its higher than that its probably going to freeze is its lower its probably going to lag

How old do you have to be to become on the animation team?

you should be an animations until you can be animated