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Q: How many hours of darkness in one year?
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How many hours of darkness in 1 year?

It depends on where you are Not Really, If you live on the Equator, Every 24 hour period has 12 hours of daylight, and twelve hours of darkness. For every one else, there are only two 24 hour periods during the year When daylight hours equal night hours. These two days are the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox. (Equinox means equal). If you account for the differences in the number of daylight and dark hours in a 24 hour period, over an entire year, the average is 4380 hours each for daylight and darkness.

One year is how many hours?

One year is about 8,765.81 hours.

How many hours of darkness are there in one day north of the Arctic Circle or south of the Antarctic Circle?

North of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic one, the periods of daylight and darkness both vary from zero to six months, during the course of a year.

How many hours or in a year?

8,766 hours in one year.

How many hours has one year?

A year has 8760 hours

Why are there 24 hours of daylight everyday but in June there are 24 hours of darkness?

The question contradicts itself. If there are 24 hours of daylight evereyday then there cannot be any hours - not even one - of darkness. Not in June, nbut ever!The question contradicts itself. If there are 24 hours of daylight evereyday then there cannot be any hours - not even one - of darkness. Not in June, nbut ever!The question contradicts itself. If there are 24 hours of daylight evereyday then there cannot be any hours - not even one - of darkness. Not in June, nbut ever!The question contradicts itself. If there are 24 hours of daylight evereyday then there cannot be any hours - not even one - of darkness. Not in June, nbut ever!

How many earth hours are there in one year on earth?

8,760 Earth hours in one year.

How many hours are in a year on Mars?

There are 16,523 hours and 26 minuets in one Mars year.

How many hours are there in one year and 9 months?

Approximately 15,240 hours.

How many hours are in one whole year?

24 hours per day X 365 days per year = 8760 hours per year

How many hours is Uranus year?

112739 hours because 27 divided by there are 11273r9 hours in one year

How many hours make up one year?