

How many jumbo bricks per sq ft?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: How many jumbo bricks per sq ft?
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If you have 450 bricks that measure 4 by 8 how many square feet does it cover?

4"X8"= 32 sq in . . . 144 sq in per sq ft . . . 4.5 bricks per sq ft . . . 450 bricks cover 100 sq ft plus joint width and height

How many bricks in a 12 ft by 8 ft wall 5 ft high?

It depends on the size of the bricks.

How many regular bricks per sq ft?

There are exactly 6.75 bricks per square foot. Standard modular brick courses 3 bricks per 8" vertically, and 8" per brick horizontally. Therefore, 1 square foot is 1.5 bricks wide x 4.5 bricks high, or 6.75 bricks per square foot. Keep in mind, there are MANY different brick sizes, but this calculation holds true for standard 'modular' brick.

How many 16x16 bricks will you need for a patio that is12 ft x 12ft?

81 bricks.12 feet times 12 inches per foot = 144 inches.144 inches divided by 16 inches per brick = 9 bricks in length/width.9 bricks (length) times 9 bricks (width) = 81 bricks.

How many bricks equal 400 sq ft?

If you are using the red brick which are 4" x 8" you will need 4.5 bricks per square foot (just call it five.) 5 x 400 is 2000 bricks.

How many bricks do you need to build a brick wall 30 ft long 2 ft high?

It depends on the size of the bricks and their orientation.

How many brick in a sq ft?

4 bricks

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How many bricks 9cmx9cmx18cm need for 1sqfeet?

1 Sq-ft is 929 Sq-cm and the top surface of the brick is 162 Sq-cm. If no space is left between the bricks, it takes 5.73 bricks per Sq-foot. If a gap is going to be left between the bricks, the number of bricks per square-foot goes down. With a 1/4-inch gap, the space occupied by the brick will be about 9.64 by 18.64 cm or about 5.18 bricks per Sq-foot.

How many bricks do you need to surround a 45 ft vegetable garden with 6-inch bricks?

A "45-ft vegetable garden" seems to be so skinny that perhaps it could be surrounded by a single row of 90 bricks.

A bricklayer is building a brick rectangular post to anchor a mailbox The post is 3 ft tall 2 ft deep and 2 ft wide Each brick is 3 in by 6 in by 3 in How many bricks does he need?

4 bricks each side per layer times 2 sides plus 3 bricks per layer front and back equals 14 bricks per layer. (4+4+3+3)=14 . Then multiply each brick layer times 4 for each foot high times 3 for 3 feet high equals 12 layers high.(4 bricks high per foot times 3 feet high=12 bricks high.) So 14 times 12 equals 294 bricks. I you add a cap stone(3 inches high by about 28 inches square) then you can subtract 1 layer of bricks) and secure the mail box. This assumes no space for mortar between bricks. Adjust as necessary. (14x12)=294. The space inside the brick structure will be 1.5 ft x 1.5 ft x 3 ft high = 6.75 cu ft. Answer: 294 bricks or 280 plus the cap stone. 4 bricks each side per layer times 2 sides plus 3 bricks per layer front and back equals 14 bricks per layer. (4+4+3+3)=14 . Then multiply each brick layer times 4 for each foot high times 3 for 3 feet high equals 12 layers high.(4 bricks high per foot times 3 feet high=12 bricks high.) So 14 times 12 equals 294 bricks. If you add a cap stone(3 inches high by about 28 inches square) then you can subtract 1 layer of bricks) and secure the mail box. This assumes no space for mortar between bricks. Adjust as necessary. (14x12)=294. The space inside the brick structure will be 1.5 ft x 1.5 ft x 3 ft high = 6.75 cu ft. Fill with whatever you want or leave open. If you want the structure solid then each layer would need to contain 48 bricks times 12 layers or 576 bricks with no capstone. Answer: 294 bricks or 280 plus the cap stone. If solid, 576 bricks with no cap stone. 528 with a capstone replacing one layer