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1 litre for 1 degree in 1hour is 1,16 kW/h

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Q: How many kw are needed to heat 1 liter of water 1 degree?
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How many btu stored in 1 gal of 120 degree water?

one BTU is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit. Here is a start ; now find out how much a pound of water weighs then work through it.

Convert degree of Fahrenheit to btu?

Degrees Fahrenheit are a unit of temperature and British Thermal Units are units of heat; in physics, temperature and heat are not the same thing (although they are synonymous in normal English usage). To explain, the heat content of an object depends upon both the temperature and the heat capacity of that object, so for example, one liter of water has only half the heat capacity of two liters of water; even if your one liter container is at exactly the same temperature as the two liter container, it still has only half the heat content as measured in BTUs. So, since these units do not measure the same thing, they cannot be converted into eachother.

How many calories are needed to raise the temp of 100 grams of water from 20 degree C to 50 degree C?

Heat required = (mass) x (specific heat of substance) x (temp difference) In this case it would be (100) x (1) x (50-20) = 100 x 30 = 3000 cals

How much heat is required to change 0.2kg of ice at -5 degrees to water at 5 degrees?

Heat required for this transition is given as the the sum of three heatsheat required for heating the ice from -5 degree Celsius +latent heat(conversion of ice at zero degree to water at zero degrees)+heat required to heat the water from 0 to 5 degree CelsiusHeating of ice=m x s x delta T,where m is the mass ,s is the specific heat of ice=200x0.5x5=500calmelting of ice=mxlatent heat=200x80=16,000calHeating of water=m x s x delta T,where m is the mass ,s is the specific heat of water =200x1x5=1000calTotal heat required=500+16,000+1000=17,500 cal

The emery needed to heat 6.70 g of water from 5.5 C to 60.2 C?


Related questions

How many calories does it take to heat 1 liter of water 1 degree?

It takes 1000 calories to heat 1 litre of water 1 degree C.

How many watts to heat 1 liter of water?

It takes about 4.18 Joules of energy to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Therefore, to heat 1 liter (1000 grams) of water by 1 degree Celsius, it would require about 4180 Joules. Converting this to watts depends on the time taken to heat the water.

What is the amount of heat needed to raise that temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius?

The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree Celsius is 4186 Joules, which is the specific heat capacity of water.

If you have a 2 liter bottle of liquid water at 0 Celsius. About how many Calories are needed to heat up the water to 100 C?

It takes 1 calorie to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. A 2 liter bottle of water weighs around 2000 grams. Therefore, you would need 200,000 calories to heat the water from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius.

Which combinations of equipment would be needed to bring one liter of water to 85 degrees celsius?

To bring one liter of water to 85 degrees Celsius, you would need a heating element like a stovetop or electric kettle, a pot or container to hold the water, and a thermometer to monitor the temperature. Additional items like water and a heat-resistant stirring utensil may also be useful for the process.

What is the amount of 80 degree water needed in a 20 ltr tank with cold water to achieve 49 degree water?

To achieve 49 degrees in the 20-liter tank, you will need to calculate the energy required to heat the cold water to 80 degrees. Then, calculate the heat exchange between the hot and cold water to reach the final temperature of 49 degrees. The amount of 80-degree water needed depends on the specific heat capacity of both hot and cold water.

What does the prefix calor mean?

Calor is a latin prefix meaning heat. A Calorie is actually a unit of energy based on the energy needed to raise one liter of water one celsius degree

Is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.?

Yes, one calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius.

How much heat is required to evaporate 1 liter of water at 100 degree celsius?

The heat required to evaporate 1 liter of water at 100 degrees Celsius is known as the latent heat of vaporization of water, which is approximately 2260 kJ/kg. Since the density of water is about 1000 kg/m³, the heat required would be around 2260 kJ.

How much energy is required to raise the temperature of one liter of water 1 degree centigrade?

The specific heat of water is 4.179 Joules per gram per degree Centigrade. The density of water is 1 gram per cubic centimeter, so one liter is 1000 grams. This means it takes 4179 Joules to raise one liter one degree Centigrade.

How much heat does it take to heat 1 liter of water from 20 to 80 degrees?

The calorific value of water is 80cal/degree. so it takes 60*80=2400cal of heat.

What is a calorie A Calorie?

A calorie with a lowercase "c" is a unit of energy commonly used to measure the energy content of food. A Calorie with an uppercase "C" is equivalent to 1,000 calories and is often used interchangeably with kilocalorie (kcal) on nutrition labels.