To convert gallons to milliliters, we know that 1 gallon is equal to 3,785.41 ml. Therefore, to find out how many 750 ml bottles are needed to fill a gallon, we divide 3,785.41 ml by 750 ml, which equals approximately 5.05 bottles. So, it would take about 5 bottles of 750 ml each to fill a gallon.
16 cups
one thousand
Since 1.5litres is 1,500 mL , dividing this by 50mL means there would be 30 bottles.
4.5 minutes
1.5 hours
It would take 2.52 bottles to fill a gallon jug.
One half gallon is enough to fill one half gallon.
There are approximately 3.785 700ml bottles in one gallon.
1 gallon = 16 cups 1 cup =0.23 gallon
16 cups
456,047 water bottles
That is 16 cups.
To calculate the number of pennies needed to fill a 7-gallon jug, we need to consider the volume of a penny. A penny has a volume of approximately 0.36 cubic centimeters. One gallon is equivalent to approximately 3785 cubic centimeters. Therefore, a 7-gallon jug would have a volume of 26,495 cubic centimeters. Dividing the volume of the jug by the volume of a penny gives us approximately 73,597 pennies needed to fill a 7-gallon jug.
3 Imperial gallons = 13.6 litres (approx) = 6.8 2-litre bottles.
216 gallons