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Q: How many minutes of physical activity should you participate in 5 days a week.?
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Related questions

How often should children and teenagers physical activity?

60 minutes a day

The CDC recommends that children and adolescent get how many minutes of physical activity every day?

The CDC recommends that children and adolescents should get 60 minutes or 1 hour of physical activity every day.

How many days of the week should children and teenagers get 60 minutes of physical activity?


What should be the aims of good school physical activity programs?

Good school physical activity programs should aim to be about 30 minutes in length at least five times per week. Physical activity focuses on improved health of children and teaches them how to be more health conscious.

The Center for disease control and prevention recommends The children and adolescent get how much physical activity each day?

atleast 60 minutes.

How much physical activity should a 17 year old girl be doing?

60 minutes a day

How much time should you participate in for physical education five days a week?

The minimum amount of time that you should be physically active is 20 minutes a day.

What should elementary students do to stay healthy?

eat healthy foods, participate in physical activity, have check ups at the doctors, wash their hands and read.

How much exercise should you get daily to keep a steady weight?

To keep a steady weight, a person needs to do enough physical activity in a day to equal about 30 minutes of moderate activity. This should maintain their weight.

What physical activities are recommended for seniors?

.Physical activity should be rhythmic, repetitive, and should challenge the circulatory system. It also should be enjoyable so that a senior gets in the habit of exercising regularly for 30 minutes each day. Walking.gardening. bicycling.swimming.

How much Moderate physical activity per day?

You should have between an 30 minutes and 1 hour per day.

How long do you need to work out?

Daily, you SHOULD get around 30 minutes of exercise or physical activity. If you are trying to lose weight, working out for excessive periods of time is not the way to go. Aim for around 45-60 minutes.