67 hours
10 pm Thursday to 1 pm Monday should be 87 hours: 10 pm Thursday to Midnight (12 am) Friday = 2 hours Friday = 24 hours Saturday = 24 hours Sunday = 24 hours Monday Midnight (12 am) to Noon (12 pm) = 12 hours Monday Noon (12 pm) to 1 pm = 1 hour Total = 87 hours.
It depends on whether you meant AM or PM. As of 6:15PM on Thursday, March 31, when this question was answered, it is 35.5 hours to 7:00AM on Saturday, April 2, and it is 47.5 hours to 7:00PM on Saturday, April 2
2 hours.
67 hours
36 hours
21 + 24 + 24 + 22 = 91
What is 72 hours from Saturday at 8:11 in the morning
cash hours 10.00 am to 2.00 pm }from Monday to Friday and 02.30 pm to 3.30 pm } 10.00 am to 12.30 pm on Saturday
10 pm Thursday to 1 pm Monday should be 87 hours: 10 pm Thursday to Midnight (12 am) Friday = 2 hours Friday = 24 hours Saturday = 24 hours Sunday = 24 hours Monday Midnight (12 am) to Noon (12 pm) = 12 hours Monday Noon (12 pm) to 1 pm = 1 hour Total = 87 hours.
Monday - Friday: 8.00 AM To 7.00 PM Saturday - Sunday: 9.00 AM To 5.00 PM
Monday To Friday: 8 AM : 6 PM - Saturday & Sunday: 10 AM : 5 PM
Monday To Friday: 8 AM : 7 PM Saturday to Sunday: 10 AM : 6 PM
12 Hours ! There are 12 hours in the AM and 12 hours in the PM !
The hours for the Memorial Mall in Sheboygan, MI are: Monday Thru Friday 10 am - 9 pm (11 hours) Saturday 9:30 am - 8 pm (10 hours & 30 mins) Sunday 11 am - 6 pm (7 hours) *The stores may vary, but these are the mall hours*