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Probably infinite. The smallest is known as Ramanujan's number, 1729 using cubes of 1 and 12, and of 9 and10. Read more about the genius Ramanujan in Wikipaedia.

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Q: How many natural numbers can be represented as sum of cubes of two natural numbers in two different ways?
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Cubes of all numbers are irrational numbers, if they're not natural

How many natural numbers up to 5000 are perfect cubes?

The cube root of 5000 is approx 17.1 So the numbers 1 to 17 have cubes which are smaller than 5000 that is, there are 17 such numbers.

Why are some of the cubes rational and irrational?

The cubes of all rational numbers will be rational. But the cubes of irrational numbers can be either.

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64 is the square of 8 and the cube of 4.

What is the logic behind the number sequence 1 8 27 64 125 216?

They are the cubes of the natural numbers, starting with 1.

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The probability is 5/6.

What is the sum of the cubes of first 100 whole numbers?

The sum of the cubes of the first 100 whole numbers is 25,502,500.

What is the specialty of the number 1729 and what is the special name for it according to maths?

1729 is the smallest natural number that can be expressed as a sum of two cubes of positive number in two different ways: 1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 + 103 It is known as the Ramanujan-Hardy number. But is also known as a Taxicab number which are numbers that can be expressed as sums ot 2 cubes in 2, 3, 4, etc different ways.

What are two cubic numbers are palindromes?

All one digit numbers are palindromes.Cubic numbers are generally understood to be cubes of integers. So the numbers, 1 and 8 are both palindromic cubes.

What is a term for cubed numbers?

Perfect cubes.

If the difference of two positive numbers is 1 the product of these same two number is also 1 What is the difference of the cubes of these two numbers?

The difference of their cubes is 4.

Which numbers have a square and cube root?

Cubes of squares or squares of cubes, like 1, 64 and 729.