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Q: How many numbers are on a fair die?
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What is the probability that you roll a number less than five?

The answer depends on how many times a die is rolled and whether it is a fair die.For a single roll of a fair normal die, the answer is 2/3.The answer depends on how many times a die is rolled and whether it is a fair die.For a single roll of a fair normal die, the answer is 2/3.The answer depends on how many times a die is rolled and whether it is a fair die.For a single roll of a fair normal die, the answer is 2/3.The answer depends on how many times a die is rolled and whether it is a fair die.For a single roll of a fair normal die, the answer is 2/3.

If you roll a fair six-sided die and a fair four-sided die what is the probability that the dice add to 6 or higher?

The answer depends on what numbers are on the faces of the dice.

What is the Probability of rolling a 4 with a pyramidal die?

The answer depends on the numbers that appear on the die. It also depends on whether or not the die is regular and fair.

What is the probability to roll a 5?

The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, how often and whether they are fair dice.For a single roll of a fair die the answer is 1/6.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, how often and whether they are fair dice.For a single roll of a fair die the answer is 1/6.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, how often and whether they are fair dice.For a single roll of a fair die the answer is 1/6.The answer depends on how many dice are rolled, how often and whether they are fair dice.For a single roll of a fair die the answer is 1/6.

A fair die is tossed twice what is the probability that even numbers occur on both throws?


What is probability of obtaining a number different from 11 when a single fair die is tossed?

A single fair die has the numbers 1 to 6, so when a single fair die is tossed the probability of obtaining a number different than 11 is: P(x diff than11) = 1.

What is the probability to roll a 7 or 8 on a eight-sided die?

It depends on what numbers are on its faces. If it is a fair die with the numbers 1 to 8 - and there is no reason to assume so - the answer is 1/4 or 0.25

How to decide the fairness and unfairness of a dice?

Throw is a very large number of times. If the six numbers come up approximately 1/6 number of times then it is likely that the die (not dice!) is fair. If one or more numbers comes up more often than the die is not fair. You can never be certain.

What will happen if a fair die is rolled 180 times how many times would I expect it to either land on a 3 or a 5?

If you throw the fair die once then the chances are two as there are two numbers to be shown that is 3 or 5. Total number of faces and numbers in dice = 6. So, Probability of two numbers falling = 2/6 = 1/3. If you roll the same die 180 times then chances of landing on either 3 or 5 = 180 x 1/3 = 60.

How many side are there on die?

well it depends how many numbers have on the die

If you roll a fair die what is the theoretical probability of getting a 5?

Since there are 6 numbers on a die (1-6), then the probability of rolling a 5 would be 1 out of 6.

What is the probability of rolling an even number on a die?

Total numbers on a cube = 6Even numbers on a cube = 3Probability of rolling an even number on one fair cube = 3/6 = 50% .