90 of them.
Specify whether you are including the numbers between 0000 and 1000.
How many times does the digit 1 occur in ten place in the numbers from 1 to 1000?
The numbers from 1000 to 9999 are all 4 digits, as are -1000 to -9999. Therefore there are 18,000 four-digit numbers in all.
There are 900 three-digit whole numbers between 1 and 1000
90 of them.
1 to 1000. Pilandromic 108
Specify whether you are including the numbers between 0000 and 1000.
There are 3168 such numbers.
1000 to 2999 inclusive so 2000 numbers.
There are 75 multiples of 12 between 100 and 1000.
How many times does the digit 1 occur in ten place in the numbers from 1 to 1000?
All the numbers between 999 and 3000 are four-digit numbers. You need to subtract 3000 - 999 - 1. The extra -1 is to account for the fact that the numbers 999 and 3000, in this case, are not included.
109, if you don't count all the single digit numbers as palidromes.
The numbers from 1000 to 9999 are all 4 digits, as are -1000 to -9999. Therefore there are 18,000 four-digit numbers in all.