How many 3 diget number can made by the the following numbers 6789
4 options for the first digit, 3 options for the second digit, 2 options for the third digit. Multiply the number of options together, and you find how many 3-digit numbers you can get.
about 13
5040 numbers can be made.
All of them.
a lot
Six - assuming 0123 does not count ... 1234 2345 3456 4567 5678 6789
4 options for the first digit, 3 options for the second digit, 2 options for the third digit. Multiply the number of options together, and you find how many 3-digit numbers you can get.
about 13
5040 numbers can be made.
20 of them, if repetition is not allowed.
32C3 = 4960