7043.......there are 4 digits.
In 'normal' numbers that are greater than zero then zero is superfluous as the first digit, for example we write 437 NOT 0437.
Then, there are 3 possible numbers for the 1st digit (3, 4, 7) and 4 numbers for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th digits.(0,3,4,7).
The number of valid number combinations is, 3 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 192.
Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers ?
There are 21 combinations.
There are an infinite number of combinations where this could be the answer.
There is no single answer to that. A lot of combinations of 6 numbers could have a mean of 18.5, as any 6 numbers that add to 111 could.
In programming this could be achieved using a numeric bubble sort. Excel allows this type of sorting to be used.
Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers ?
There are 21 combinations.
There are an infinite number of combinations where this could be the answer.
You could make 10*10*10*26*26*26 combinations, or 17576000 combinations.
There is no single answer to that. A lot of combinations of 6 numbers could have a mean of 18.5, as any 6 numbers that add to 111 could.
In programming this could be achieved using a numeric bubble sort. Excel allows this type of sorting to be used.
163759438475047695685695034395784593850835943859458474836937657 i have just tried it
To calculate the total number of possible combinations for a license plate using 3 letters and 3 numbers, we need to multiply the number of options for each character position. For letters, there are 26 options (A-Z), and for numbers, there are 10 options (0-9). Therefore, the total number of combinations can be calculated as 26 (letters) * 26 (letters) * 26 (letters) * 10 (numbers) * 10 (numbers) * 10 (numbers) = 17,576,000 possible combinations.
By making a number tree that could have as many as 1,000,000 combos.
Well, honey, if you're picking 5 numbers out of 17, the number of combinations you can make is a whopping 6,188. But let's be real, you could play those numbers till the cows come home and still probably not hit the jackpot. Good luck, though!
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here. So, if you have 4 dice, each with 6 numbers, you would have 6^4 possible combinations. That's like 1,296 different ways those dice could land. So, you better start rolling if you want to try them all!