7043.......there are 4 digits.
In 'normal' numbers that are greater than zero then zero is superfluous as the first digit, for example we write 437 NOT 0437.
Then, there are 3 possible numbers for the 1st digit (3, 4, 7) and 4 numbers for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th digits.(0,3,4,7).
The number of valid number combinations is, 3 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 192.
Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers ?
There are 21 combinations.
There are an infinite number of combinations where this could be the answer.
There is no single answer to that. A lot of combinations of 6 numbers could have a mean of 18.5, as any 6 numbers that add to 111 could.
In programming this could be achieved using a numeric bubble sort. Excel allows this type of sorting to be used.
Could you generate a complete set of 6 number combinations from 45 numbers ?
There are 21 combinations.
There are an infinite number of combinations where this could be the answer.
You could make 10*10*10*26*26*26 combinations, or 17576000 combinations.
There is no single answer to that. A lot of combinations of 6 numbers could have a mean of 18.5, as any 6 numbers that add to 111 could.
In programming this could be achieved using a numeric bubble sort. Excel allows this type of sorting to be used.
163759438475047695685695034395784593850835943859458474836937657 i have just tried it
To calculate the total number of possible combinations for a license plate using 3 letters and 3 numbers, we need to multiply the number of options for each character position. For letters, there are 26 options (A-Z), and for numbers, there are 10 options (0-9). Therefore, the total number of combinations can be calculated as 26 (letters) * 26 (letters) * 26 (letters) * 10 (numbers) * 10 (numbers) * 10 (numbers) = 17,576,000 possible combinations.
By making a number tree that could have as many as 1,000,000 combos.
6^4 = 1296 combinations but some are repeatable e.g. 1221 = 2121 = 2112 etc. so for the total number of non repeatable combinations with 4 dice, use pascals triangle to get 126 unique combinations.
There are several combinations of prime numbers that could have a sum of 84:11 and 7313 and 7117 and 6723 and 6131 and 5337 and 4741 and 43