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Q: How many ounces can the liver of a person hold per hour?
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What is the firing schedule for casting thick glass slabs?

Of course that will depend on what kiln you are using. This is a tested schedule used in Paragon kilns. Casting 2" thick slab: 1) 50°/ hour to 1150° & hold for 45 minutes 2) 50°/ hour to 1200° & hold for 2 hours 3) 50°/ hour to 1250° & hold for 3 hours 4) 50°/ hour to 1350° & hold for 2 hours 5) 100°/ hour to 1450° & hold for 1 hour 6) 100°/ hour to 1550° & hold for 40 minutes 7) 9999 to 900° & hold for ten hours 8) 4°/ hour to 800° & hold for 2 minutes 9) 8°/ hour to 700° & hold for 2 minutes 10) 26°/ hour to 350° & hold for 2 minutes (in cold weather make it 200°)

What is 6 oz per sec converted to gallons per hour?

There are a couple of things you need to know before you can solve that problem:-- 1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces-- 1 hour = 3,600 secondsNow, you take your 6 ounces per second, and you multiply it by ' 1 ' a couple times.(Remember that a fraction with the same thing on top and bottom is the same as ' 1 '.)(6 fluid ounces/second) x (1 gallon/128 fluid ounces) x (3,600 seconds/hour) = 168.75 gallons/hour

How far can an average person walk in 1 hour?

3 miles per hour

How much is 39559.00 an hour?

A person grossing 39,559 in a year is making 19.02 an hour.

Can an average person eliminate 1 ounce of alcohol per hour?

No, the average person cannot eliminate 1 oz. of alcohol per hour from their system. The average person can eliminate 0.5 oz. of alcohol from their body per hour.

Related questions

Can a person detoxify 4 ounces of alcohol per hour?

No. A healthy male liver can handle about .6 ounces per hour; a female, slightly less.

How many ounces can a healthy liver process liver in one hour?

1/2 ounce

What Rate to clear alcohol from the liver?

0.6 ounces per hour (with a healthy liver).

A person gets rid of how many drinks per hour?

A healthy person's liver metabolizes about 0.02% BAC per hour.

How many hours does it take for your body to metabolize alcohol?

Alcohol is metabolized by the liver, at the rate of about 0.6 ounces (14 ml) per hour of pure alcohol (assuming a healthy liver).

How long does it take for your liver to process one beer?

A healthy functioning liver "processes" alcohol at a rate of 1 unit per hour.

How much can the liver oxidize an hour?

The liver can oxidize about 1 gram or 0.035 ounces of alcohol per hour, which is roughly equivalent to one standard drink. Individual metabolism rates can vary based on factors like gender, weight, and genetic makeup.

Approximately how many standard drinks can the average person's liver process per hour?

1 sd

How many drinks can a womans liver process in one hour?

The metabolic and absorption rates of alcohol vary based on factors of body weight, sex, genetics and the effects of eating. The going rule is that for an adult the liver can cope with one drink, as defined by a shot, a can of beer, or a glass of wine, per hour. This is not to suggest that indefinite consumption is healthy, or this equation is meets blood alcohol concentrations that are permitted for driving.

How long to metabolize alcohol?

It takes the liver approximately one hour to metabolise one ounce of alcohol. It would take approximately 6 hours to eliminate 6 ounces of alcohol.

How many ounces of alcohol can body oxidize in one hour?

The body does not actually "oxidize" alcohol, it absorbs and processes it. The rate at which a person can absorb alcohol is really contingent upon the health of their liver. A healthy liver can process about a half and ounce of pure alcohol (ethanol) per hour. That equals about a 12oz beer, a 5oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz of 40 proof liquor. A diseased or poorly functioning liver processes less per hour. While the liver is busy processing as much alcohol as it can, the rest circulates through the body and brain. The more alcohol a person drinks above the .5 oz per hour, the more intoxicated they become. The more intoxicated a person becomes, the higher their risk for alcohol related problems. Because most livers function at about the same speed, a person's size merely determines the area that the alcohol has to move through while waiting for the liver. A smaller person has less mass, so the alcohol that hasn't been processed yet is more concentrated. A larger person has more mass, so the alcohol in the system is less concentrated. Smaller people typically feel the effects of alcohol sooner than a larger person.

How much alcohol can an adult liver process in one hour?

The liver metabolizes alcohol by using enzymes to change it into water, CO2 and fatty acids. It does not dissolve it in the technical sense. The rate at which a healthy liver can metabolize alcohol is about 6/10ths of an ounce (14 gr or 17 ml) per hour.