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In 2010 there were about 10 million visitors to the Wailing Wall.

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Q: How many people surround the Wailing Wall per year?
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How do you pray to the wailing wall?

First, it is not called the Wailing Wall. It used to be called the Wailing Wall but now it is the "Western Wall" or the Kotel.Second, nobody prays to the wall. People go to the wall to pray to God. Prayer is very personal and individual, and people pray in many different ways.Read more: Why_is_the_wailing_wall_called_the_wailing_wall

How many pieces of paper are pushed into the wailing wall each year?


Why do Jews shuffle at the wailing wall?

There is no such thing as a wailing wall. This is a misnomer imposed by non-Jewish people who misunderstood the dinstinctive style of Jewish prayer, and thought it was wailing. You are most likely referring to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Jews do not "shuffle" at the Western Wall. They pray. Some Jews rock back and forth during prayer, which has many interpretations. Jews generally say prayers at the Western Wall, and there is a tradition of placing notes inside the wall's cracks.

What do they wail about at the wailing wall?

There is no such thing as a Wailing Wall. This is a misnomer invented by non-Jews who didn't understand the Jewish style of prayer, and thought the people were wailing. the Western Wall, or Kotel, is a Jewish site located in the old city of Jerusalem. Just over half the wall, including it's 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the second temple period, being constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the great. The remaining layers were added from the 7th century onwards.

How many pages does The Wailing Siren Mystery have?

The Wailing Siren Mystery has 192 pages.

What is the holiest location in the world for the followers of the Judaism religion?

The Temple Wall in Jerusalem often referred to as 'the wailing wall' or the 'western wall'. It is the last relic of the Temple to which Jewish people brought their sacrifices of atonement. Since the desctruction of the Temple in 70 Ad by the roamn general Titus it has never been rebuilt. Though many Jews do believe and are preparing for the restoration of the temple.

Where is the walling wall?

The name "Wailing Wall" was used by the British as an insult against Jews. It come from the way many Jews will rock back and forth while praying. The proper English name is "The Western Wall'. This is located in Jerusalem and is the only remaining part of the Second Temple.

When was The Wailing Wall built?

There is no such thing as a wailing wall. This is a misnomer imposed by non-Jewish people who misunderstood the distinctive style of Jewish prayer, and thought it was wailing. You are most likely referring to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The Western Wall was built as part of the expansion of the 2nd Jewish Temple, approximate 20 BCE. It is a retaining wall of the Temple mount that was built by King Herod.

How many people built the wall?

Millions. Many died and their bones were made into the Wall.

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Millions of people. Many died and their bones were made into the Wall.

Why for many people is the symbol of the great wall?

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What does a cell wall surround?

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