If no pair of lines is parallel and if each pairwise intersection is distinct, there will be 10 points of intersection.
There are 20 common points.
20....or maybe 18
Here are some: They can be (1) coincident, (2) intersecting at one point, (3) coplanar but non-intersecting (ie parallel), (4) non-coplanar, non-parallel and non-intersecting (eg paths of a rail line and of an elevated road going over it - from above, they may appear to intersect but they do not), (5) intersecting at two points (eg longitudes on the earth). etc.
when a pair of angles/numbers have 1 of the same numbers (for example: 4,3,5,6 and 1,2,3,5,4 have intersecting numbers (4,3, and 5) and also points (4,5) and (4,6) Haver them too (because 4 stands for the 'x' the if you were to plot that on a graph, the points would intersct one another)
The greatest number of intersection points with just four lines is 6.
There are 20 common points.
They are intersecting lines.
20....or maybe 18
Here are some: They can be (1) coincident, (2) intersecting at one point, (3) coplanar but non-intersecting (ie parallel), (4) non-coplanar, non-parallel and non-intersecting (eg paths of a rail line and of an elevated road going over it - from above, they may appear to intersect but they do not), (5) intersecting at two points (eg longitudes on the earth). etc.
5 x 5 equels 10
when a pair of angles/numbers have 1 of the same numbers (for example: 4,3,5,6 and 1,2,3,5,4 have intersecting numbers (4,3, and 5) and also points (4,5) and (4,6) Haver them too (because 4 stands for the 'x' the if you were to plot that on a graph, the points would intersct one another)
They are: -skew lines -parallel lines -intersecting lines -straight lines -zigzag lines -dotted lines -solid lines -curved lines -perpendicular lines
The greatest number of intersection points with just four lines is 6.
A crusifix(turned at a different angle) The letter X A highway A multiplication sign a window pane(turned at a different angle)