61 67.
29 is a prime number, and 60 has many numbers. the closest you'll get is 58.
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers is done as : roman numeral number of 66 is : LXVI
The only numbers which multiply to 65 are 5 and 13, which are indeed 8 apart, but you need a minus sign somewhere...
61 67.
No, sixty four (64) is a composite number (not a prime number) because it can be written as a product of numbers, specifically 8*8 (or 2^6).
There are two which are 53 and 59
1 since the numbers are relatively prime
Numbers are either prime or they aren't. In this case, 45 is divisible by 3 and 15; sixty-four goes into 2, 4, 8 and 32. The term "relatively prime" compares two numbers and their common factors. If the GCF of the two numbers is 1, then they are "relatively prime."
61, 63, 65 and 67.
29 is a prime number, and 60 has many numbers. the closest you'll get is 58.
29 + 11 61 + 5 89 + 5