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Q: How many questions can you miss on a 125 question test to score an 80 percent?
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How many do have to miss to get an 80 percent on 30 question?

In order to score 80% on a test with 30 questions, you must give 6 wrong answers. You can do it!

How many points are each question if there are 26 questions?

The answer will depend on the total score for the test and whether or not all the questions are score the same.

How many questions can you miss to score 80 percent on a 72 question test?

The answer depends on how many of the ones that you do are correct and whether there are any penalties for wrong answers.

How many questions can you miss on a 50 question test to score an 80 percent?

You can miss 10 questions. 50-10=40. 40/50=4/5=0.8=80%.

How many questions be wrong on a 70 question test to get 70 percent?

In order to score exactly 70% on a test with exactly 70 questions ... if every questionis worth the same credit ... you have to get 21answers wrong. You can do it.

How many question can you miss to get 95 percent on an 80 question test?

In order to score 95% or better, you must answer at least 76 questions correctly. We're hoping it's not a math test.

How many questions can I get wrong on a 25 questions test to score 70 percent?

30/100*25 =7.5 so you must not get more than 7 questions wrong to score 70%

How many questions can you miss to get a 50 percent on a 35 question test?

To get a 50% on the test, you need at least (50/100) * 35 = 17.5 questions correct. If half credit is not possible, you need to get at least 18 questions correct to get a score of at least 50%. A score of 17 will be just shy of 50%.

How many questions can you miss out of 120 to score a 160?

If you score 1 per question, then you can miss out -40. If you score 10 per question, then you can miss out 104. If you score 100 per question, then you can miss out 118.