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Q: How many questions do you have to get right to score a 70 percent on a test of 20 questions?
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How many percent will be if when you get 36 questions right of 36 questions?

You'd be 100% right.

How many questions can I get wrong on a 25 questions test to score 70 percent?

30/100*25 =7.5 so you must not get more than 7 questions wrong to score 70%

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A student who correctly answered 72 questions on a test received a score of 75 percent How many questions were on the test?

72/.75 = 96

How many questions can you get wrong on a 70 question test to get a 70 percent?

To score 70% or higher you must get at least 70/100 * 70 = 49 questions right. So you can get 70 - 49 = 21 questions wrong, but no more!

If you missed 7 questions on a test and made 83 percent on the test how many questions where there?

41 questions (if you got 83 percent, then that means you got 34 questions right)

How many questions out of 40 must you answer correct to score a 60 percent?

60 percent = 60/100 60% of 40 = 60/100 x 40 = 24. Ans: 24 questions.

If you got 80 out of 100 percent what would your score bee?

It is good. That is a B. To tell you what the score was I would need to know How many questions there were. but your percentage score is 80%. Hope I helped!

How many questions do you need to get right for 80 percent if there 75 questions at 2 points a piece?