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Q: How many radians are there in one complete rotation?
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How many radians are in one complete revolution?

There are 2π radians in one complete revolution.

How many degrees planet truns in one complete rotation?

One full rotation is 360 degrees.

How many radians does the minute hand of a clock rotate in 1.75 hours?

Since there are 2 Pi radians in one complete turn, then the minute hand turns 1.75 * 2 Pi radians in 1.75 hours.

How many revolutions in a circle?

By definition of the word, "revolution", there is only 1 revolution in a complete circle. You may be trying to ask a different question, such as how many radians are in one revolution. That answer is 2pi radians.

How many degrees it takes earth turns in one complete rotation?

One full rotation is 360 degrees.

How many hours is one complete rotation of the earth?

One complete rotation of the Earth takes about 24 hours to occur, which is equivalent to one day.

Does it take one year for the earth to complete a rotation?

It takes the Earth approximately 24 hours to complete one rotation on its axis, not one year. A year is the time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the sun.

Does it take the earth one year to complete one rotation?

It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation and one year to complete one revolution.

What is one fourth of a rotation going counterclockwise?

1/4 of 360 degrees = 90 degrees which is a right angle

How many days does it take venus to complete one rotation?

243 DAYS

One complete rotation of the earth is how many degrees?

One complete rotation of the Earth is 360 degrees.

How many days these it take te earth to make one rotation?

it takes 24 hours 1/4th day to complete one rotation