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Q: What is one full revolution in radians?
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How many radian in one revolution?

One revolution = tau radians (or 2*pi radians).

How do you convert revolution into radians or degrees?

One revolution = 360 degrees or 2pi radians

How many radians are in one complete revolution?

There are 2π radians in one complete revolution.

What type of an angle if there is one complete of a revolution?

An angle that is one complete revolution is called a full angle or a complete angle. It measures 360 degrees or 2π radians.

How do you convert 13 revolutions into radians and degrees?

One revolution is 360 degrees or 2 pi radians ( full circle) So 13 rev = 13 x 60 degrees or 13 x 6.28 radians

Convert 16.75 radians to revolutions?

One revolution = 2Pi radians 16.75 radians / 2Pi radians/rev ~= 2.666 revolutions

What does 1 revolution equal in angular speed?

One revolution equals 2π radians in angular speed. This means that an object going through one full revolution will cover an angular distance of 2π rad.

What is the size of the angle when a revolution is made?

The angle of a full revolution is 360 degrees, which is equal to 2pi radians or 400 gradients.

How many radians are 10 revolutions?

20 times pi There are 2 pi radians in one revolution.

How many revolutions in a circle?

By definition of the word, "revolution", there is only 1 revolution in a complete circle. You may be trying to ask a different question, such as how many radians are in one revolution. That answer is 2pi radians.

How many radians does the second hand of a clock turn through in thirty second?

The second hand of a clock completes a full revolution every 60 seconds, which is equal to 2π radians. Therefore, in 30 seconds, the second hand turns through π radians.

How do you convert radian measure to revolution?

1 revolution = 2pi radians therefore; 1 radian = 1revolution/2 pi radians = 0.159154943 revolution