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depends on the positive number.

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Q: How many real numbers lie between any two integers?
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Related questions

Are integers real numbers?

yesYes, integers are real numbers.

Are some real number integers?

All integers are real numbers, but not all real numbers are integers.

Are all real numbers integers?

No, all integers are real numbers, but not all real numbers are integers. For example, 1.25 is a real number and a non-integer.No.

What is the relationship between real numbers integers rational and irrational numbers and whole numbers?

They are all numbers

Is real numbers a subset of Integers?

You have it backwards. Integers are a subset of real numbers.

Are integers real?

yesYes, integers are real numbers.

What is the number of non-square numbers between 2 consecutive numbers?

There is no such thing as consecutive numbers because numbers are infinitely dense. Between any two numbers there is another and so there is no such thing as a "next" number.There are no integers (square or non-square) between any two consecutive integers. There are infinitely many numbers between any two consecutive integers and, if the integers are non-negative, every one of these will be a square of some number so the answer is none. If the integers are negative then the infinitely many numbers will have a square root in the complex field but not in real numbers. In this case the answer is either none or infinitely many, depending on the domain.

Which of the following sets of numbers contains multiplicative inverses for all its elements Positive Integers Integers Rational Numbers Real Numbers?

Rational numbers and Real Numbers. The multiplicative inverses of integers are not integers.

What is the relation between integers natural numbers whole numbers rational and irrational numbers?

Natural numbers = Whole numbers are a subset of integers (not intrgers!) which are a subset of rational numbers. Rational numbers and irrational number, together, comprise real numbers.

How many types of numbers are there in mathematics?

Natural numbers Integers Rational numbers Real numbers Complex numbers

What are decimals real numbers natural numbers integers or whole numbers?

Decimals are real numbers. Furthermore, integers and whole numbers are the same thing.

Are all integers real numbers?

Every integers are real numbers.more precisely, integers are the subset of R, the set of real numbers.They are whole numbers with no decimals or fractions