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If the discriminant of a quadratic equal is zero then it will have two equal roots.

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Q: How many real roots exist if the discriminant of the equation plus 0?
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How many real roots exist if the discriminant of the eqation0?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is 0 then it has two equal real roots.

How can you tell how many solutions a quadratic equation will have without solving it?

A quadratic equation can have a maximum of 2 solutions. If the discriminant (b2-4ac) turns out to be less than 0, the equation will have no real roots. If the Discriminant is equal to 0, it will have equal roots. But, if the discriminant turns out to be more than 0,then the equation will have unequal and real roots.

The discriminant determines how many what a quadratic equation will have whether they are real or imaginary?


How many roots does 2x2 plus 3x plus 2 have?

If it was expressed as a quadratic equation it would have no roots because the discriminant is less than zero

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A quadratic equation has one discriminant.

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is -4 how many solutions does the equation have?

If the discriminant of a quadratic equation is less then 0 then it will have no real solutions.

What is the discriminant and how does it help in knowing how many solutions a quadratic equations will have?

Put the equation into ax²+bx+c=0 form. The discriminant is b²-4ac. If it is negative, there are no real roots. If it is 0, there is one real root. If it is positive, there are 2 real roots. ■

What does the discriminant tell you?

The discriminant tells you how many solutions there are to an equation The discriminant is b2-4ac For example, two solutions for a equation would mean the discriminant is positive. If it had 1 solution would mean the discriminant is zero If it had no solutions would mean that the discriminant is negative

When the discriminant is greater than 0 how many real roots are there?

There will be 2 real roots

If the discriminant is positive how many solutions does the equation have?


How many real solutions does a cubic equation have?

A cubic has from 1 to 3 real solutions. The fact that every cubic equation with real coefficients has at least 1 real solution comes from the intermediate value theorem. The discriminant of the equation tells you how many roots there are.

Use the discriminant to determine how many real number solutions the quadratic equation -4j to the second power plus 3j - 28 equals 0 has?

It has no real roots.