There are 3.1556926x1010, or 31,536,000,000 (31.5 billion) seconds in 1 millennium.
This all depends on how many leap years are in the millenium.
The singular is "millenium"; "millenia" is the plural. "Millenium" means a thousand years.
1000000 years
A millennium is 12,000 months.
There are 3.1556926x1010, or 31,536,000,000 (31.5 billion) seconds in 1 millennium
This all depends on how many leap years are in the millenium.
The singular is "millenium"; "millenia" is the plural. "Millenium" means a thousand years.
A millenium is 2000 years. On average, 365.25 days in a year. 24 hrs in a day, 60 mins in hr, 60 secs in a min. so 2000*365.25*24*60*60 is 63,115,200,000 seconds
1000000 years
On Google search for 8.32 minutes in seconds and you will find out. Instead of seconds you can also write years,decades,millenia,millenium,century's,hours,days etc.....
A millennium is 12,000 months.
there are 12,ooo months in a millenium. decade = 10 years Century= 100 years Millenium= 1000 years
IOOO years and you can remember it by thinking a millenium is a long word and IOOO is a long number.
There are a million years in a millenium