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Q: How many sets are there in a set having the numbers of six elements?
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How many elements in 8 sets having 6 elements in each?

8 sets of 6 elements would have 96 elements (8X6=96)

What is equal set from equivalent sets?

equal sets with exactly the same elements and number of elements.equivalent sets with numbers of elements

What are the kinds of sets in college algebra?

Kinds of sets are: infinite set-the set continues on for infinity.There may not be an infinite amount of a thing you wear, it is limited to numbers. finite set-it has finite (countable) number of elements, it has unlimited numbers. numerical set-a set having only numbers as its elements, set prime numbers (2,3,5,7,11,13,17..) equal set-two sets are equal if they have precisely the same numbers. null set-its is a set with no elements or numbers. equivalent set-sets with the same numbers of members . intersecting sets-sets with some members in common. subsets-sets contained within others are subset.

How many sub sets does a set of N elements have?

2N-1 They are the sum of pascal numbers in a row - one.

What are equal and equivalent sets?

Equal sets contain identical elements. e.g. if A = {1,2,3} and B = {1,2,3}, then A and B are equal - their elements are the same. Equivalent sets have identical numbers of elements. e.g. if A = {1,2,3} and B = {a,b,c}, then A and B are equivalent - they both have three elements.

How many sets of numbers go into 20?

Three sets

How many different sets of four numbers can you get from six sets of numbers?

6 if order doesn't matter

How many sets of six numbers can you make with seven numbers?

7 To make it a bit more intuitive, think of it like this: If you have a set of 7 elements, you can "turn it into" a set of 6 elements by removing one of the elements. So, in how many ways can you remove an element from the set of 7 elements, without making the same 6-element set more than once?

What uses circles to show how elements among sets of numbers or objects are related?

A Venn diagram

How many subsets can be made from a set with 6 elements?

If a set has six elements, for example {A, B, C, D, E, F}, then it may have the following subsets: - the set itself - 6 sets of five elements - 15 sets of four elements - 20 sets of three elements - 15 sets of two elements - 6 sets of one element - 1 set with no elements (the null set), for a total of 64 sets, which is 2^6, or 2 to the 6th power.

How many times can you get 6 sets of numbers from 1 to 28 what are these sets of numbers?

There are 376740 such sets and you must think me crazy if you think I will list them all!

How many sets of 3 consecutive numbers in 12 hours?

There are eight sets of 3 consecutive numbers in 12 hours.