Three sets
6 if order doesn't matter
There are approx 5.709*10^45 possible sets of numbers that can be made out of the composite numbers in 1 and 200.
from the numbers 4567 we can have 24 numbers
Three sets
6 if order doesn't matter
There are 376740 such sets and you must think me crazy if you think I will list them all!
There are eight sets of 3 consecutive numbers in 12 hours.
There are approx 5.709*10^45 possible sets of numbers that can be made out of the composite numbers in 1 and 200.
from the numbers 4567 we can have 24 numbers
There are infinitely many possible answers. For example: 1 + 236 1.1 + 235.9 or 1*237 10*23.7 then there are sets of three and more numbers that make 237.
These two sets together make up the set of real numbers.
The question to help my son with his homework is: How many unique numbers can be formed by combining three sets of three digital decimal numbers
take 20 blocks group them into sets of 4. How many sets did you make? 20 / 4 = 5