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six (the same number as the cube)

sides/faces = 6 [1 top + 1 bottom + 4 sides]

edges = 12 [4 top + 4 bottom + 4 sides]

corners = 8 [4 top + 4 bottom]

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Q: How many sides will a half cut cube have?
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What does one -half cube mean?

It could mean a cube tat has been cut into a half so that it is a cuboid. Or, it could mean a cube, each of whose sides is half a unit.

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It would be a wooden cube that has been cut in half and painted red.

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I think no because a cube is a perfect 3D square and if you cut it it becomes a rectangle type thing

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Can a cube be cut with a plane to produce any polygon having more than six sides?

Type your answer here... yes -improved If you were to take the cube and cut off one of the corners you would create a polygon with 5 faces(pentagon) plus a top and bottom = 7 sides. As long as the cut does not go through the center of the cube which would result in a pyramid structure with only 5 sides.

What possible 3D shapes can be made by cutting a cuboid in half?

The shape you will get if you cut a cuboid in half is a cube.

How many sides does a hemisphere have?

Well, honey, a hemisphere is half of a sphere, so it technically doesn't have any sides. It's like asking how many legs a fish has - none, because it's a fish. So, in short, a hemisphere has zero sides.

What is meant by a symmetry of the cube?

You ether cut it in half or fourths or eighths(do you get the idea?)

What is it called when an object is cut in half and its exactly the same on both sides?

It is called symmetry. When an object is cut in half and both sides are identical, it exhibits symmetry.

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