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Q: How many solution exist for the system of equatiom x minus y equal 3?
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Does any homogeneous system have nontrivial solution?

x+y=0 2x+2y=0 This homogeneous system has infinitely many non-trivial solutions. If you are looking for exactly one non-trivial solution, no such system exists. the system may or may not have non trivial solution. if number of variables equal to number of equations and given matrix is non singular then non trivial solution does not exist

When will a homogeneous system of equations be inconsistent?

A homogeneous system of equations will be inconsistent if it has a non-trivial solution, meaning that the variables can be simultaneously set to values other than zero. This can occur when the number of equations is greater than the number of unknowns in the system.

Is a hydroxyl ion a solution?

Hydroxyl ion exist in solution but it is not a solution.

Why ferric ions do not exist in solution?

Ferric ions, or Fe3+, do exist in solution but are typically more coordinated with ligands such as water molecules or anions due to their high charge. This makes them less prevalent in a free ion form in solution. Additionally, the presence of ligands stabilizes the ion by reducing its reactivity.

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Can exist but need not.

Why did the solar system exist?

The solar system formed from a rotating cloud of gas and dust called the solar nebula about 4.6 billion years ago. Gravity caused this cloud to collapse and form the sun at its center, with the remaining material forming the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the solar system.

What is the difference between a simple solution and dilute solution?

A simple solution refers to a solution where one substance is dissolved in a solvent, usually water, whereas a dilute solution is one in which the amount of solute is low compared to the amount of solvent. In other words, a dilute solution has a lower concentration of solute compared to a simple solution.

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The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by particles in a colloid or fine suspension, making the beam of light visible. In a sugar solution, which is a true solution (not a colloid), the particles are too small to scatter light significantly, so the Tyndall effect is not observed.

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It absorbs them from the water, where they exist in solution.

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Yes, there is a unique solution.

Solution to linear algebra problem?

It may or may not exist. If the matrix of coefficients is singular then there is no solution.