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Since the lines that intersect are the equations, if they intersect once they have one solution.

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Q: How many solutions can two lines have that intersect once?
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This is true. If three straight lines are drawn, they can only intersect at two points. That is, each line will only intersect with another once.

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They only cross once because intersecting lines are only supposed to INTERSECT at one point, hence the name intersecting lines

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Compare the equations. If it has the same slope it most likely will be parallel which means it has 0 solutions. However, if you plug in points and they match up exactly it would have an infinite amount of solutions. The only way it would intersect more than once or 2 then would be if it was a parabola which would have a x^2 value typically. If it has 1 solution it means it would intersect once.

Can two segments intersect more than once?

no yes of course. they can intersect infinite times when they coincide

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I want to say 2, once at each corner

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In three-dimensional space, two planes can either:* not intersect at all, * intersect in a line, * or they can be the same plane; in this case, the intersection is an entire plane.

When parrarel lines meets?

For most purposes in algebra and geometry, but especially geometry, parallel lines never meet. This should be the answer you give on nearly every question. However, speaking realistically, parallel lines can meet on planes of negative and positive curvature. An example of positive curvature would be a sphere; on a sphere, if you try to draw a triangle, the interior sum would be more than 180degrees and parallel lines would intersect. Similarly, on a plane of negative curvature like that of a surface of a saddle, the sum of the measures of the triangle would be less that 180 degrees and once again parallel lines will intersect.

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How many points does the graph of the function below intersect the x-axis y25x2-10x 1?

Just the once because it has equal roots of 1/5