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Q: How many solutions can two unique equations that both have two squared variables?
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Up to how many solutions can there be in a system of two unique equations that both have two squared variables?


Kinds of system of linear equation in two variables?

There are three kinds:the equations have a unique solutionthe equations have no solutionthe equations have infinitely many solutions.

When does a system of linear equations in two variables have a unique or one solution?

simultaneous equations

How do you prove what a b and c equals if a plus b plus c equals 24 and a2 plus b2 equals c2?

Roughly speaking, to get a unique solution - or at least, a limited number of solutions - if you have 3 variables, you need 3 equations, not just 2. With the two equations, you can get a relationship between the three variables, but not a unique value for a, b, and c. To get the general relationship, solve both equations for "c", replace one in the other, and solve the resulting equation for "a" to get the relationship between the variables "a" and "b". Then, for any valid combination of values for "a" and "b", use the simpler of the original equations (a + b + c = 24) to get the corresponding value for "c".

What is a unique solution in linear equations?

This is the case when there is only one set of values for each of the variables that satisfies the system of linear equations. It requires the matrix of coefficients. A to be invertible. If the system of equations is y = Ax then the unique solution is x = A-1y.

What is a set of equations in the same variables?

It is a set of equations, which is also called a system of equations. There may be no solution, a single (unique) solution or more than one - including infinitely many.

How do you solve x equals t-yz?

Because this equation has four variables, it would require four unique equations involving only these four variables to solve.

When you formulate a system of equations you have at least how many factors?

You don't need ANY factor. To find a unique solution, or a few, you would usually need to have as many equations as you have variables.

Is free variable unique or can we have more than one free variables in linear algebra please elaborate?

You can have any number of free variables. If you have m variables and n linear equations then, if m > n, you will have at least (m - n) free variables.

Up two how many solutions can there be in a system of two unique equation that both have two equated variables?


What are the applications of cramer's rule?

Cramer's rule is applied to obtain the solution when a system of n linear equations in n variables has a unique solution.

What are the three types of system of linear equations?

The three types arethe system has a unique solutionthe system has no solutionsthe system has infinitely many solutions.