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24 times because each time a new hour comes it overlaps the big hand and there is 24 hours in each day. Hey did you know I am only in grade 5 !


Improved: NO! that is so not true because the big hand and small hand don't only overlap at hourly intervals ... let's say it's exactly 3:15 ... the big hand and small hand will be on the 15.

I'm not exactly sure about the math that goes into this..

but that's the concept behind the question.


Edit: The first contributor obviously didn't read the question properly ! Starting at Noon - Both hands are on 12. the next time the minute hand will pass over the hour hand - is approximately 1:05, then 2:10, 3:15.. ..10:50, 11:55, finally 00:00 - making 13 times in total !

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Q: How many times between noon and midnight does the minute hand pass over the big hand on a clock?
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